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:::Thunder Plains


! Tidus[aqua]  Yuna[white]  Wakka[yellow]  Lulu[purple]  Auron[red]  Rikku[green]  NPC[gray]

"Oh, no... We're here."
"How are we supposed to cross that?"
"See the lightning rod towers?"
"The lightning is drawn to them...hopefully."

"We head north, not too near and not too far from the towers, ya?"

"Meaning we should avoid wide, open areas."
"I think I forgot something in Guadosalam."

"Nice knowing you."

"Okay, okay! I'll go!"

"Ah, good day!"

"Hi there."
"Is it true?"
"I heard that Maester Seymour and Lady Yuna are to be wed!"
"It's such great news! I have to tell everyone!"

"Where'd you hear that?"
"From the Guado. They were all very excited!"

"I'm afraid you heard a little wrong. Yuna's gonna turn him down."
"Oh... Really?"
"I see..."
"That's unfortunate."
"Well I'm sure that people would have rejoiced all over Spira."

"Whoa! That was a close one!"
"Stop kidding around."
"Yes, ma'am..."
"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh..."
"Hmm? What's wrong?"
"Eh heh heh heh heh heh heh..."
""Heh heh heh..." You're givin' me the creeps!"
"I wanna go home!"
"I hate lightning! I hate thunder!"
"Let's go rest over there! Please?"

"This storm never stops. Better to cross quickly."
"I know, but... Just for a little while?"
"Heh, well? What now?"
"Pretty please? Just a few minutes?"
"I'm scared of lightning! Let's rest, please? Pretty please?"
"I'm too young to die!"
"You're mean...cruel! Your moms would be ashamed of you!"
"Are you having fun doing this to me?"

"Fine, we rest. She's worse than the storm."

"I'm...a little tired."
"Do you have a room available?"
"Ah, Lady Summoner. Yes, just over that way."

"Thank you." 
"Uh, Yuna?"
"It's not like her."

"I...well... It's nothing, really. I...I just, uh..."
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come in."
"Wasn't that that Jyscal Guado guy?"

"The sphere is his will... It says, "Take care of my son.""
"His son...? Seymour?"
"Well, I know one way to take care of him."

"I'm sorry."
"What do you think you're up to?"
"Yuna... Yuna was acting funny, s-so..."
"Yeah, yeah!"
"She'll tell us when she's ready, so hold your chocobos till then, ya?"
"All right! All right! All right!"
"It's not stopping, is it?"
"Don't tell me you were hoping it would."
"Fine. Stay here."

"All right, already."
"You didn't have to say it like that, you know!"
"You could be more comforting or something!"
"You know, try to cheer me up?"
"You just don't get me at all, do you?"
"Hey! Are you listening?"
"I'm not scared!"
"I'm not scared, you hear?"

"What's up?"
"I have something to tell you."
"We're almost out of here! Let's go!"
"I have to say it now!"
"Over there."

"Somehow, my bad feelings always come true."

"I've decided to marry."
"I thought so."
"B-But why? Why'd you change your mind?"
"For Spira's future... and Yevon's unity."
"I thought it would be the best thing to do."
"That's not good enough."
"Wait, is it..."
"Is it because of Lord Jyscal?"

"Hey! That sphere!"
"Show me."
"I can't."
"I must speak to Maester Seymour first."
"I truly am sorry, but this is..."
"It is a personal matter."
"You're kidding, ya?"
"As you wish."
"I'm sorry."
"Just one thing."
"I won't quit my pilgrimage."
"Then it is...fine."
"Wait a minute, Auron!"
"You don't care? I mean, you're not going to stop her?"

"No, I'm not."
"As long as she is willing to face Sin..."
"all else is her concern."
"That is a summoner's privilege. As long as she journeys."

"But that's..."
"Yuna, just one question."
"Can't you just talk to Maester Seymour?"
"You've got to marry him?"

"I don't know."
"But I think it is the right thing to do."
"Okay, I guess."
"I wish we could help somehow, some way!"

"It's okay... I'll be fine."

"She says, "I'm sorry". He says, "It's fine.""
"She's "willing" to face Sin. She's "privileged.""
"I didn't understand."
"But somehow, I felt like I didn't belong."
"But if I didn't belong with them, I'd be stuck in Spira, alone."
"And being alone in that place, well, I didn't want to think about it."

"Next, we're going to Macalania Temple."
"Yuna can talk with Seymour there."
"We guardians will wait until they're done, and plan our next move."

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This is Final Fantasy Series Script.
Written by Master.