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! Tidus[aqua]  Yuna[white]  Wakka[yellow]  Lulu[purple]  NPC[gray]

"Greetings! I am the summoner Yuna. I have come from the temple in Besaid."
"M'lady Summoner!"

"If there is no other summoner here, please allow me to perform the sending."
"Thanks be to ye!"
"Our loved ones... We feared they would become fiends!"

"Please, take me to them."
"We'll go see what we can do to help in town."
"Uh, what's a "sending"? Are we going somewhere?"
"You truly are clueless. Are you sure it's just your memory that's the problem?"
"The dead need guidance."
"Filled with grief over their own death, they refuse to face their fate."
"They yearn to live on, and resent those still alive."
"You see, they envy the living."
"And in time, that envy turns to anger, even hate."
"Should these souls remain in Spira, they become fiends that prey on the living."
"Sad, isn't it?"
"The sending takes them to the Farplane, where they may rest in peace."

"Summoners do this?"
"It must be tough, being a summoner."

"Yuna chose her own path. She knew from the beginning what it meant."
"All we can do is protect her along the way."

"Until the end."
"Until the...end?"
"What's the end?"

"Until she defeats Sin."
"I hope... I hope I did okay."
"You did very well."
"They've reached the Farplane by now. tears next time, hm?"

"I wished there would never be a next time."
"No more people being killed by Sin. No more sendings for Yuna."
"Everyone stood there watching her."
"It was strange, and somehow...horrifying."
"I never wanted to see it again."

"Hey! You awake? Cap'n Wakka's waitin' for you!"

"Ah, there you are!"
"Besaid Aurochs! Huddle!"
"On to the temple, where we pray for victory!"
"High Summoner Ohalland used to live in the Kilika temple here."
"Yep, Lord Ohalland was once a great blitzer, you know?"

"Praying for victory's all good...but is this right?"
"Something wrong with enjoying blitzball?"
"Is this really the time?"
"This is the only time!"
"The players fight with all their strength: the fans cheer for their favorite team."
"They forget pain, suffering... only the game matters!"
"That's why blitz has been around for so long."
"Least that's what I think."

"Whatever you say."
"Let's play...and win!"

"Temple's beyond the jungle there. Let's go!"

"What's up?"

"Yuna's saying she wants you with us."
"I want to ask you to be my guardian."
"Yuna! What? This is no time for jokes, ya?"
"He may be a blitzball whiz kid, but up against fiends, he's a newbie."

"Not a guardian, then... I just want him nearby."

"What? What do you mean?"
"It's just that, well..."
"We're all going to the temple anyway. Can't this wait till later?"
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."
"There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm just not really sure what's going on."
"My apologies."
"Company, halt!"
"The fiend before us is Ochu, Lord of the Wood!"
"We've had trouble with this one before. Remember, discretion is the better part of valor."
"A summoner and her guardians. Very impressive!"
"Sir, we should fight, too!"
"We'll get our chance soon enough."
"Young Crusaders gather round!"
"We'll beat Sin into the ground!"

"These stone steps have a history, you know?"
"Yep, Lord Ohalland trained here at his peak."

"A race, huh?"
"Think you can beat me?"
"Yuna, if you would."
"Hey! Hey!"
"L-Look out!"

"Everyone, quick! Sinspawn!"
"Sorry about that! Hoped to break you in a little slower."

"Being a guardian's tiring!"
"You handled yourself pretty well. You got talent."
"So, what are these "sinspawn" anyway?"

"Fiends. They fall from Sin's body, and are left behind in its wake."
"Leave 'em alone, and Sin comes back for 'em. You gotta be quick!"

"That moment when Wakka told me I had talent in battle..."
"I think that was when I started seriously considering becoming a guardian."

"So, uh...they got fiends in Zanarkand, too?"
"Just a few. It's a big deal when one shows up, though."
"Hey! Since when have you believed me about Zanarkand, anyway?"

"I been thinking."
"Maybe people Sin gets to don't die."
"Maybe Sin carries 'em through time. Like a thousand years through time."
"And then, one day, maybe they just pop back, see?"

"Amazing. Simply amazing."
"You make up one theory after another, refusing to face the simple truth."
"Sin didn't take Chappu anywhere."
"Sin crushed him and left him on the Djose shore!"
"Your brother won't just pop back."
"Oh, and one more thing."
"No matter how much you want it, no one can take Chappu's place."
"No one can replace Sir Jecht, for that matter."
"And there's no replacement for Lord Braska, either."
"It's pointless to think about it, and sad."

"I...I could never be what Chappu was."
"Well, stuff happens. Best not to worry."

"Wakka, Lulu, and Wakka's brother Chappu."
"Something had happened between them a long time ago. I was sure of it."
"Well, whatever it was, it was none of my business, that's for sure. Best not to go there."

"You here to pray for victory, too?"
"Us? Pray?"
"Who needs to pray? The Luca Goers always win!"

"Oh, yeah? Then why are you here?"
"We've been praying for some competition this year!"
"So what's your goal this time? You gonna "do your best" again?"
"Ha! It's too bad your best isn't good enough! Why even bother showing up?"

"This time, we play to win!"
"Oooh! Play away! Just remember even kids can play,
"See you in the finals!"
"We'll beat them. We have to!"
"You know that team?"
"Putting people down... They're as bad as my old man!"
"But, Sir Jecht was a kind and gentle man!"
"Well, not my Jecht."

"Even ten years after he left..."
"just thinking about my old man got me angry. But maybe that was just my way of keeping him... Nah."

"Lord Ohalland, guide our feet."

"A summoner, are you?"

"My name is Yuna--from the Isle of Besaid."
"So, you're High Summoner Braska's daughter. That's quite a name to live up to."
"My, my, my..."
"And all these people are your guardians? My, what a rabble!"
"As I recall, Lord Braska had only two guardians."
"Quality over quantity, my dear. Whatever were you thinking?"
"I have need of only one guardian. Right, Barthello?"

"I only have as many guardians as there are people I can trust."
"I trust them all with my life!"
"To have so many guardians is a joy, and an honor!"
"Even more so than being my father's daughter."
"Of course, I would never think of questioning your ways, either."
"So, Lady Dona, I ask of you: please leave us in peace."
"You do what you want. Barthello, we're leaving."

"A guardian is someone a summoner can rely on. Someone she can trust with her life."
"I wondered, did Yuna feel that way about me?"

"What's she smiling about?"

"The fayth is below. Let's do it!"
"The "fayth"?"
"But first, the Cloister of Trials. Kimahri? Wakka? Ready?"
"Strength, everyone!"
"Hey, what gives?"
"You're not a guardian yet."
"We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?"
"Oh, sure! Soon like "tomorrow" soon, I bet!"
"Where's Yuna?"
"Then why are you here?"
"Hey, I'm not a guardian, so I'm not supposed to go in, right?"
"Not a guardian, you say?"

"Hey! Wait!"
"Ah! Lemme go!"
"Hey! What's the big idea?"

"Just a little game."

"This is bad, really bad."
"Only guardians allowed, and I'm sure no guardian."
"Well, I guess it's too late now."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
"It was Dona and that big musclehead man!"
"Yuna will be the one to suffer the consequences!"

"What consequences?"  
"She could be excommunicated!"
"Just wait."
"So, what's in there anyway?"
"The fayth, remember?" 
"Oh yeah, that thing. Right."
"The fayth are people who gave their lives to battle Sin."
"Yevon took their souls, willingly given from their still-living bodies."

"Now they live forever, trapped in statues."
"But when a summoner beckons, the souls of the fayth emerge once again."
"That's what we call an aeon."

"All that in this room?"
"S-So what's Yuna doing in there?"

"She prays with all her heart for a way to defeat Sin."

"There was something I didn't tell anyone else that day."
"That song we heard there, in the temple... I knew it from my childhood."
"It was proof that Spira and Zanarkand were connected somehow. At least to me it was."
"Maybe that's why, suddenly, I felt like...I just wanted to go home."
"I tried to say something, to tell them. But the words wouldn't come."

"I thought I had put my feelings for Zanarkand behind me."
"But they were there, and they grew inside me, bigger and bigger, till I was just about ready to burst."

"Are...are you okay?"
"I...I don't know."
"What do you want to do?" 
"To scream real loud."
"Off to Luca at last!"
"The matches start soon as we get there, so rest up on the way, ya?"

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This is Final Fantasy Series Script.
Written by Master.